Uncategorized – Wanderings of Light https://wanderingsoflight.net Sun, 27 Dec 2020 12:10:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.3.2 On Revelations (Naked Eye Art Gallery, Brighton & Hove) https://wanderingsoflight.net/2012/09/30/on-revelations-naked-eye-art-gallery-brighton-hove/ Sun, 30 Sep 2012 14:38:34 +0000 http://www.wanderingsoflight.net/blog/?p=812 Sometimes, someone…

Sometimes someone, I or you… we get into a silent circle, alone or in a crowd… to ponder, recuperate, or to just sit still and breathe.

However, staying long in such a position may bring forgetfulness on our true nature – the ability to rise above any challenges…



…we may forget we have the wings we do not see yet are strengthen by our faith – not any particular religion – just faith in purity of a human heart, belief that the deepest natural state is being at peace and in love.


The faith is nurtured in our hearts that is our eyes and ears, our source of communication, all our senses connected in a wide and creative space.


It is not about shutting the mind down and running headless around, on contrary, it is about directing the almighty machine to focus on what really matters and then to manifest that what we call dreams yet are just reality in a process of conception or even gestation.


Sometimes, someone…


I or you… we can just allow ourselves to trust our own goodness, enoughness in isness and…move, in stillness.

p.s. Hover over photo to see the title of the photographed piece and the name of the artist.

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A lesson in walking… https://wanderingsoflight.net/2011/08/24/a-lesson-in-walking-2/ Wed, 24 Aug 2011 11:57:06 +0000 http://www.wanderingsoflight.net/blog/?p=728 I hurt my feet (and then they were hurting me for several years)…

I had to change my pace and walk slower, mind more closely where I am going and avoid surfaces that might hit the specific sore spots on my feet. When it became frustrating to be so cautious I decided to turn it into a game: let’s see how many ways there are to make a step… Toes-heel, heel-toes and tons more… And when I’d hit the painful spot anyway and my leg would fall out of control I’d make it as if I was dancing… with reckless abandon…

I decided (yes, again, it’s always about the decision what meaning we give to specific situations) this painful situation with my feet was a metaphor for my “business steps” and where and how I “walked in life” in general, so I was teaching myself the new ways of doing my job(s), studying more as well as learning to be more relaxed, more at ease with the unexpected, handling the surprises, more flexible and just letting go of the old and allowing the new insights. Of course I went beyond metaphors, too and learned more about muscles and bones, about various therapeutic techniques…  Exploring the situation from all angles and still pondering endlessly on what I did wrong and how to avoid it “next time” and then…

All that might have been valuable analysing yet then a reminder of Thich Nhat Hanh’s thoughts arrived:  “ Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet…” , and a smile spread all over my face…

For a moment I dropped all the analysing and just enjoyed the loving, gentle lightness invoked by those words…

Sometimes one gets overwhelmed by engaging in all the mind work, the paradox of working hard to learn how to relax.

O, yes, I could have analysed those Hanh’s words as well and could have found at least ten more messages in it, saving some in the files with various labels where I keep updates on numerous techniques and methods for improving the quality of life yet I decided not to and instead just allowed the feelings of lightness and love to spread all over me, for no logical reason at all…

And it felt so good…

Just like a very deep state of bliss, a meditation, breathing technique, a graceful prayer of gratitude, all in one.

Whatever way I do it, it is always beneficial to occasionally let go of all the research, all the open and hidden messages, meanings and lessons or just remind myself: “Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet”…

And I do. And every time it’s a different and a wonder-full experience.

Even if it’s just for a moment or two, I feel so good and afterwards I’m ready to go back to whatever I was doing, refreshed on so many levels to keep on walking…

I hurt my feet and then they were teaching me all sorts of lessons for several years yet the most valuable one was to find that lightness in-between the “courses”, that feeling of loving gentleness, that serenity… like when walking as if kissing the earth with my feet.

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Joy… Autumn Sun… https://wanderingsoflight.net/2010/11/19/joy-autumn-sun/ Fri, 19 Nov 2010 17:09:03 +0000 http://www.wanderingsoflight.net/blog/2010/11/19/joy-autumn-sun/

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Presents Of The Autumn https://wanderingsoflight.net/2010/10/14/presents-of-the-autumn-2/ Thu, 14 Oct 2010 12:03:05 +0000 http://www.wanderingsoflight.net/blog/?p=429

So, if you dive into (again, returning) the time of no time, to the land of possibilities, peace is regained due to the natural balance that resides in that particular space of no space easily accessed when personal responsibility is allowed, letting the collective consciousness stand aside.

The less you interfere, the more wholesome is the fruit.

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After The Rain https://wanderingsoflight.net/2010/06/01/after-the-rain/ https://wanderingsoflight.net/2010/06/01/after-the-rain/#respond Tue, 01 Jun 2010 14:15:08 +0000 http://www.wanderingsoflight.net/blog/?p=239

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