This book is so much more than just a memoir of another cancer survivor or about another NDE life changing event. It may be a very good reminder for any patient / health care worker / therapist on essence of a thorough healing.
However, one may also might find this book a useful read whether researching influences of cultural/social environments on life of an individual or looking into various aspects of importance of healthy (open) mind which leads to healthy emotional and physical life.
For some (yes, “some”: bearing in mind we are all divinely different in sameness) Anita Moorjani’s book “Dying to be me” may be a reminder of various ways of regaining health or reaching (mind the gap) that bespoken Inner Peace. How about rediscovering deepest, joy-without-a-cause? Letting go of habitual fears? Becoming aware of the freedom to express one’s authentic self?
For many it will reveal nothing new (“miraculous healings” that leave certain scientists scratching their heads, happen often, don’t they?), nothing but a… maybe differently inspiring way of understanding illness, dis-ease? For some it may make more sense, for some less.
One may even experience that between the lines of Anita’s story there is a sort of an “explanation” of effects of releasing techniques such as EFT and Lester Levenson’s Sedona method. Some may find a deeper meaning and direction of those four questions behind Byron Katie’s Work that is helping many transform their beliefs and thus their lives.
After reading this book one may even make more sense of the dr Hew Len’s “zero point” and Ho’oponopono “cleaning”.
Brene Brown may find this book interesting for her further research on shame and authenticity and the consequences of living life in fear.
However, none of the above (therapeutic methods and techniques) are mentioned in Anita’s book – she experienced the release of fear and awareness of love, awareness of living in the present moment in her own way, sharing yet another example how sometimes what seems like the biggest tragedy turns out into the most influential turning point in opening up to a fulfilling life.
Reading this book, some may feel deeper understandings of various ancient scripts (regardless of the religious connection). Some may find a connection with Eckhart Tolle’s reminders on letting go of fearful imaginations of one’s ego.
Some, if this book is the first time they encounter such views, may wish to explore more on effects of beliefs (via works of Paul Solomon and Bruce Lipton to David R. Hamilton and many, many more) and some may not see any of these at all and will find something else that will inspire them as this is not a book about laid out “answers” or recipes, it is “just” a story of someone’s experience in shaking off inherited masks and roles and revisiting one’s own authentic essence – origins of that indescribable, expansive, life bearing, omnipresent Love that is quintessence for joie de vivre.
Or… Maybe none of the above will be triggered and it may be just an interesting read for one wintery evening.
The choice is, as always, wide open.
And it feels appropriate to add this in this topic: see Lissa Rankins’ talk “Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves?”