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Silent beaches

Friday, September 10th, 2010

Rain hushes the noises of the Indian Summer on the coast, allowing the silent wanderer to melt with the sounds of the pebbles on the beach that dance with gentle waves… back and forth… back and forth…
The colours retrieve in the houses and behind the hills…

A peaceful day…

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Wednesday, August 25th, 2010

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Sad-mad-sad sandwich, part two

Saturday, August 21st, 2010

Just one of the ways to recover; gain a new perspective on a matter that was occupying my mind… There are many other, quicker and handier ones that make the mind reframe the chosen reality, bring to halt the uncreative loops, sort the things out and get a new perspective but this one felt so right yesterday… Nature heals, cleanses, nurtures… All we have to do is to allow that…

Ah, yes, the “inevitable good” that comes out of the chaos and the “sad-mad-sad sandwich” revealed itself that very night, a few moments after I wrote that text. New realizations, new insights…

Not one, but many of them and they keep coming like a refreshing stream of new perspectives. As many times before: what seems like end of an era is actually a beginning of a new one.

We all know that yet and it happens whether we realize it or not at the time, but still… “It’s nice to get that confirmation”.

Every time I think of or say that sentence I get giggles because it triggers a memory on one event that occurred more than ten years ago: we were checking out of a hotel and one by one, members of the group were returning the keys of their rooms and sorting out if they had any extra services to cover. When the youngest in the group handed over his key and the receptionist checked the data in the computer and told him he is free to go (i.e. no extra payments) he joyously shouted: “Yes!”. We laughed and asked him what that was about, didn’t he already know he didn’t use any of the extra services offered by the hotel and he said: “Yes, I did know that, but it’s nice to get a confirmation.”

Yes, well, sometimes it is so.

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The Healer

Thursday, July 8th, 2010

The better healer is the one the prevents the dis-ease and who helps one to maintain a healthy status of one’s mind, emotions and body. The better healer could be someone’s closest friend or even what is considered an “enemy” – the mirror who reflects the signs of imbalance. The better healer could be one’s partner or a stranger’s smile in a strange place or…  Just the closest colourful, airy meadows in the mountains, deeply refreshing woods or the purifying embrace of the sea.

And if the dis-ease does break out as the most visible warning of neglect, the better healer will not just tap the surface and patch the consequences but will help in healing the cause and restoring the balance. The better healer is everywhere, usually just a small, fragrant step away.

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In The White Fields

Monday, June 28th, 2010

… just a reminder on today’s wondrous experience…

…when a plan changes in a moment, set structures collapse into an abyss of aporia, a goal turns into a mere vechicle on a playful path of new yet ancient discoveries… Recollections…

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Sunday, June 27th, 2010

Some sci-fi stories I’ve read in my childhood seemed horrifying and used to scare me, even more now, many years later it feels like some of them are coming true. I remember one about fruits and vegetables without seeds and an unfair control of growing your own food – seemed monstrous and impossible at the time…

Anyway, I’ve decided to write my own sci-fi-seems-impossible-the-moment-stories, the ones that wouldn’t scare me but bring hope to my own uncomfortable feelings about some issues in the world today. Reality is a matter of perception, anyway, a personal truth that is created, shaped and renewed every moment…


Monthly Lifestyle Magazine
June, 2013

Restoration continues

The implementation of the new Act on the residential areas will serve greatly to former tenants of what in this decade became known as „Prisons of 20th century“

Report by: Re L’Ease
Photo by: Let Go

New Homes For The New Era

The Councils are moving forward even faster this week. After last week’s consensus on the new rules about farming, forests related issues and water sources there is a fast move on the issues of residential areas that are most incongruent with basic human needs.

The Council for Reclaiming Human Dignity, the Association of Architects, the Health Initiative and the League of Common Sense have finalized the Act on residential areas of the „Agreement on the Common Good for all Living Creatures on the Planet Earth“. Among other benefits, the implementation of this act will serve greatly to former tenants of what in this decade became known as „Prisons of 20th century“ because all of them will get new homes that are in accordance with basic human needs.

One of the healing centres in Wiltshire, UK

„Since most of them are currently at the healing centres around the world, this new agreement will speed up their process of recovery.“ – says the chairman of Health Initiative, Mr Beau Ty Matters.

„Not only those living in such prisons will be reimbursed for their mental and physical damage, but also those who lived with a view to such monstrosities.“-declares Ms Joy Rootgree from the Association of Architects.

The reports of the Health Initiative show that living in such residential areas had a strong impact on humans of which they mainly weren’t aware of. The effects would show depending on the sensitivity of a person; it would mainly result in severe cases of depression, loosing natural bio rhythm, loosing ability to follow intuition, to feel or express personal opinions and among other issues, living in such areas for a longer period of time would result in an uncontrollable urge for violence and destruction.

„Such an amount of toxic building material in such a small area inevitable ends so that a person loses all his or her compasses.“-says Mr Beau Ty Matters. „What’s even more toxic than the building material is that blocked buildings produce a feeling of scarcity in all areas of life. It’s like someone sets you in front of a cage, you don’t even have to be in the cage, but after a period of time, you’ll see vertical bars everywhere, even when looking at the sea horizon. People would either get depressed and would succumb to what we call „sheep state of mind“ and would be easily manipulated or would get dangerously violent and destructive.“

Things seem to be moving fast on that issue. We have met with one of the tenants of those „monstrosities“ who is now recovering in the „Palm Tree Resort“. She says she is lucky because she had been living in one of such residential areas for only about four years and her overall recovery is showing a great progress: „Ours was one of those stories where you get trapped by the way the state is formed and you move into such a flat just because you can’t afford anything better without compromising yourself. So it was either compromising your basic human needs or selling your beliefs. None of that is healthy, but we thought we are stronger than anything. I saw it as a challenge to overcome, you know, the mind is stronger type of belief.“- she laughs. „Well, the mind is strong but it needs more rest to recover for yet another battle and another battle and our main mistake was we weren’t giving it enough rest and slowly got weaker, lethargic, poisoned like many in the area. But all is well, now. The majority is coming to their senses.“-she concludes optimistically.

We are all optimistic on this new Agreement that will enable a thorough and on time recovery for the survivors of the time that is so near in the past yet feels like the most distant and strangest thing that ever happened to all of us. We can only imagine how strange the way we lived will feel for those born after the first decade of 21st century. I can almost hear their comments after reading about it in the future: „This just doesn’t make any sense!“
No, it doesn’t, and it didn’t. But we are making amends and moving on.

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Weekend At Vlasta’s

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010

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Friday, June 4th, 2010

Surreal scenery yesterday on the road towards Split. Dark, heavy clouds and rain on one side and blue, clear sky with sun almost setting on the other. And then two rainbows, one with such vivid colours… Leaving a trail behind… Amazing… We kept seeing it from different angles while driving on that really curvy and hilly road.  These photographs are almost no use in witnessing how mindbogglingly beautiful all that was but they will serve me as reminders on those moments.

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Scented Balcony

Monday, May 31st, 2010

It’s amazing how this divine scent can turn a cloudy, cold and wet morning into a blissful experience.

I didn’t even have to close my eyes, just as this mesmerizing scent spread around by a sudden gust of southern wind the moment of murkiness turned into an everflowing, warm and pleasant feeling of gratitude. Everything was just right.

Everything is just right.

Just like when hearing the right word or the right sound at the right time or meeting people who enrich our own perceptions of beingness.


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Saturday, May 29th, 2010

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